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Harvest Moon - One World


Is liked by: Doc Jr.

Sell Price: 50 G

Can be crafted at Doc's Crafts and Inventions for:
1 Silver Ore and 40G.

Can be used at Doc's Crafts and Inventions to craft the follwing:
White Fence for Birch Lumber, Silver and 700 G
White Fence (Pillar) for Birch Lumber, Silver and 700 G
Wooden Fence (Entrance) for Birch Lumber, Silver and 700 G
Small Sprinkler for Silver, Glass and 100 G

RequestDemandRewardNet Profit
Can be obtained from the following requests:
Request from a Woman from Pastilla (Pastilla)2 Red RoseRed Rose5 Silver Silver-390 G
Needed for the following requests:
Repair the Goddess Spring (Harvest Goddess Spring)3 Silver Silver
Great Ancestors' Challenge 1 (Starting Zone)2 Silver Silver Items added to Doc's Crafts Items added to Doc
Upgrade your Harvesting Tools! 1 (Halo Halo)5 Silver Silver Expert Harvesting Tools Recipe Expert Harvesting Tools Recipe
Make a Sprinkler (Starting Zone)5 Silver Silver Sprinkler Recipe Sprinkler Recipe
Request from a Man from Pastilla (Pastilla)2 Silver Silver 4 Sapphire Sapphire3900 G